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Why Join?
Why Join?
Why Join?
TPGA Committees
Serving on and attending the TPGA committees is a member perk and exclusive to TPGA members. Committee members participate in all meetings of the committee, complete assignments, and work toward the fulfillment of the group’s objectives.
TPGA Committees include
Technical & Standards Committee
The committee is made up of TPGA members interested in reviewing and advancing rules, regulations, standards & codes that positively affect the propane industry.
Membership Committee
The committee is made up TPGA members and seeks to advise the association in the areas of membership promotion and retention, development and deployment of affinity partnerships, non-dues revenue generation, and services and support to the general membership.
Finance Committee
The role of the Finance Committee is primarily to provide financial oversight for the Association. Task areas include budget review, selection of an auditor, financial planning, financial reporting, considering and making recommendations for proposals for larger expenditures, and the creation and monitoring of internal controls and accountability policies. Committee membership is determined by ByLaws.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall be comprised of: President, President-Elect, and the immediate five (5) Past Presidents. The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the most senior immediate Past President. The Nominating Committee shall seek nominations for the Association officers.
Legislative Affairs Committee
The committee is made up of TPGA members interested in considering and recommending policy on legislation affecting the Texas propane industry.
Meetings Committee
The committee advises on TPGA meetings and our annual conference and expo. Committee membership consists of 13 members, 8 from the marketer membership, 4 from the supplier membership, and the chair. Each of the committee members will be randomly drawn from the appropriate volunteer submissions by the committee chair.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of: President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Presidents, and the immediate five (5) Past Presidents.
Interested in serving on a committee?
Please contact us at (800) 325-7427 ext 2 or at info@txpropane.com