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Texas Department of Agriculture: Enforcement Notification


TPGA has received several reports from members in South Texas that the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) is ramping up inspections in the area, specifically focusing on cylinder sales.

The Texas Department of Agriculture recently informed a South Texas propane industry member that this is due to a blanket complaint regarding propane cylinder sale practices.

Just as the Railroad Commission of Texas adopts the NFPA standards, the Texas Department of Agriculture adopts NIST standards, specifically NIST Handbook 130, “Uniform Regulation for the Method of Sale of Commodities.”

How LPG Must Be Sold per NIST Handbooks:

  • By Volume (Gallon or Cubic Meter)

  • By Weight (Pounds or Kilograms)

  • By Package

LPG may also be sold by package, referring to situations where the product is pre-packaged in a sealed container or cylinder of a known quantity. For example, if a customer purchases a "pre-filled" propane cylinder, it could be sold as a "package" unit with the amount of fuel specified on the package (as in the case of propane sold in cylinder exchanges).

The TDA informed several companies that they could add a service fee to recoup labor and operating expenses in filling cylinders. For example, they could post a sign that says the service fee to fill the bottle is $XYZ.

TPGA is currently engaging with the Texas Department of Agriculture on this matter to reach a common ground that will allow our members to continue selling by the cylinder.





To promote the success of the propane marketer and encourage the use of propane as a clean energy source. To provide a clearinghouse for issues that affect the propane industry and generate a consensus to represent propane marketers before other businesses, governmental and regulatory bodies. To create a favorable relationship between producers, manufacturers, fabricators and the retail marketer, and build a public image of the propane marketer as a safe, reliable and competent steward of the industry.



8408 North IH 35​

Austin, TX 78753

Tel:  800-325-7427

Fax: 1-512-834-0758

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Monday - Friday


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